Backyard Ultra – Urla, English

Sonuçlar / RESULTS 2024                                                                                                       Türkçe Sayfa

Save the date: 2025:  22-23-? November(Kasım) / Registrations and more detail soon.

İznik/Bursa or Şehzadeler/Manisa are the 2 possible locations.

YOUTUBE 2024:  Stream1  Stream2  Stream3

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Ulaşım tarifi – How to Get (png)

affiliated Backyard event

2024: March 16-17-?

Start every hour, run or walk 6.706m. Complete in 1 hour (60min), then continue again. How many loops can you repeat?

Only one, male or female, who repeats this cycle the most will win.
Anyone who fails to come to the start line next hour will be withdrawn from the race. Actually DNF (Did Not Finish).
Different race for different minds.
First 21K, first marathon, first 50 miles, first 100K, first 100 miles. What is your goal? Do you have a will to go for it?

2024 farm layout: parking places, start and tents, etc


Location: Rüstem Mahallesi, Üzüm Sokak, Farm Olea Çiftliği, Urla, 35430, İzmir, Turkey. Google Maps
Date: March 16th, 17th,… 2024
Start Time: 10:00

Instagram page @turkeybackyardultra

Capacity : 60 runners
Entry Fee:  80 Euro (or equ. TL**)

Kayıt Ol / Register (limited capasity)

*Early bird fee until January 16th 
Those who cannot finish Farmolea Backyard ultra race are entitled to 25% discount, 50% discount for assist, and 100% discount for the winner, all valid for the following 2 years.
For a discount, email (yaris et the name, year and link of result page you finished/DNFed.
There is no quota, first come first served.
*Group discounts do not aplly in the Backyard Ultra.

Everyone who can complete 1 lap, will recieve 0,5 lt of wonderful natural cold press olive oil and a DNF commemorative medal.
Click for details of ITRA measurement – no more valid points.


-Out & Back route, each loop 6.7056 kilometres. Same for day and night. Terrain all dirt, with some climb. Mostly forest jeep track, with short narrow or stony sections.

Starting Corral
Field for 50 runners.
Each start is given exactly 1 hour after the next. Preliminary signals are given 3,2,1 minutes before the start. All athletes ready inside the tunnel start together. Only who in the start box when the last bell rings and start. Others DNF. (no late check-ins!)

. Except for restrooms, competitor may not leave the course until each loop is completed (possible tree / bush hiding on course)
. No non-competitors on the course (including eliminated runners)
. No personal aid during a loop (common aid stations are allowed)
. Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted… including the final lap.
. No artificial aids (including trekking poles)
. Slower runners must allow passes.

Time keeping
. Each loop timed. Chip timing with rental tags, to be returned.
. The winner is the last person to complete a loop
. All others are technically DNF
. Results of each runner in terms of distance covered are to be given.
. If no runner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner.
. Trophy for winner, medals for all DNFs.
. Race is to be open ended.

Kit Distribution:
15th March : 14:00-19:00. Venue: Farm Olea farm, race site.
16th March : 07:00-09:00 Venue: Farm Olea farm, race site.

Tent camping possible at Farm Olea farm. Camping facilities include 2 showers, 3 WCs, 1 kitchen and sink pergola ((roof with no walls). Fridge for common use will be, no ready stove. Portable stoves or coal BBQ allowed. No open fire on ground permited. Coal BBQ and fire cans permited in certain areas (we are in a farm.) Electricity at pergola and lavatory.
Campers requested to bring in bio-degradeable soap, shampoo and all kind of cleaning chemicals. Please help us to recycle.
Limited rood top tent, camper and caravan admited. Please contact – esp if larger than mini van.
Farm Olea is a natural farm with dogs, cats, chichen, goose, duck and neighbours visiting from wild squirrels, turtles, rats, moles, owl and seasonal birds and insects.

Participants (plus 1 supporter) and acredited volunteers can camp free of charge.
Due to limited space, other campers will be charged 300 TL per night while spots last.

Parking is limited. Car sharing encouraged. Most spots under olive trees, low vechiles welcome. No parking on the dirt road into farm (Üzüm street) – this is the only road for tracctors and emergency.

Arşiv 2023:

YOUTUBE 2023:  Stream1  Stream2  Stream3

Sonuçlar 23/ RESULTS

Arsiv 2022:
Fotoğraflar / Photos      FACEBOOK ALBUM
Sonuçlar / RESULTS 2022
YOUTUBE 2022: Youtube brief 1    Youtube brief 2

Arşiv 2021:
Fotoğraflar / Photos      FACEBOOK ALBUM
YOUTUBE CANLI yayın / LIVE STREAM part 1 (start of loop 9)
CANLI yayın / LIVE STREAM part 2 (start of loop 11)
Sonuçlar / RESULTS 2021

We follow the orginal Rules for the Backyard Ultra

1) Course
. Loop or out and back
. Must be 4 miles 880 feet in length
. Metric equivalent 6.7056 kilometers

2) Starting Corral
. Measured to fit entire starting field
. Corral stays the same size thru out the event
. Participants must be in the starting corral at the bell

3) Starts
. Each loop starts precisely 1 hour after the last
. Warning must be given 3, 2, and 1 minutes prior to start
. All competitors must start at the bell (no late starts)

4) Loops
. Except for restrooms, competitor may not leave the course until each loop is completed
. No non-competitors on the course (including eliminated runners)
. No personal aid during a loop (common aid stations are allowed)
. Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted… including the final lap.
. No artificial aids (including trekking poles)
. Slower runners must allow passes.

5) Timing
. Timing of the loops is optional

6) Winner/Results
. The winner is the last person to complete a loop
. All others are technically DNF
. Results of each runner in terms of distance covered are to be given.
. If no runner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner.

7) Cap
. Race must be open ended.